Netiquette is important when you look for a date on an online dating site. You have to remember that there are thousands profiles on an average dating site. When you reply to a woman, make sure your reply stands out without it being pushy or rude. There are a few rules that you should follow while making your profile. Upload a recent photo of yourself. Childhood photos are a big no, no. Fill out your profile completely and truthfully. When you give a description of yourself, think about how a friend would describe you. Exaggerating is not a good idea. Do not write negative aspects of your life. Do not write about medical issues. Posting a list of ex-girlfriends is not cool.
When you find a profile that is interesting, read it out carefully. Try evaluating whether her interests match with yours or not. If you have similar tastes then you may consider going out with her. If you are a book reader type and she loves hiking, give the profile a second thought. Look for common traits first.
While writing a message, make sure your tone is polite, friendly and light. Don’t be poetic or don’t use heavy words. You don’t need to be formal but refrain from using abbreviations and emoticons in your first mail.
If you chat with her or go out for the first time, ask her a few questions to break the ice. Don’t ask too many otherwise she will feel awkward. Ask her about the last book she read or her favorite movie. Refrain from talking about politics, money or religion. These topics are very sensitive or personal. Talk about good restaurants in the vicinity. You may also ask her about her favorite eatery. Offer to take her there on your next date.
Always use your real name while writing emails. It will help you build a bond. Do not use your screen name. If one girl does not reply, ask another one. You may send another email to her. Be polite. Don’t be persuasive. If she does not reply the second time, move on. Sending a third mail may sound pushy.
Be a little conservative while talking. Don’t ask any sort of open ended questions like what would you like to know about me. Using terms of endearment like “honey” or “baby” on your first date are a big NO. Don’t try getting over familiar with her at first.
Remember that you are writing an email not a novel. It’s good enough to write a couple of paragraphs in your first communication. If you write a long message, there are chances that she might skip parts of it. Ask her out after you exchange a few messages. The longer you spend exchanging mail; the possibility of meeting her becomes bleaker.
Don’t be over enthusiastic, stick to girls from your own city, so if things don’t work out, you won’t regret buying a plane ticket.